The Kutno Foundry at the Automechanika Trade Fair in Frankfurt am Main!
The Automechanika Trade Fair in Frankfurt is the most important industry event dedicated to the aftermarket and workshop equipment sector, bringing together around
The Automechanika Trade Fair in Frankfurt is the most important industry event dedicated to the aftermarket and workshop equipment sector, bringing together around
At the CNC department there are new machines with numerical control. New, technologically advanced equipment allow machining of more complex elements, what significantly
Along with other companies of the Luma Automation group (Saga Poland, Saga Tools, Zakłady Metalowe Postęp) we participate in automotive fairs in Shanghai.
In Kutno, on 4-6 September 2020, once again the National Rose Exhibition took place. The greatest rose exhibition in Poland was a part
Subsidy of over 6 million Polish zloty from the EU funds for implementation of an innovative project has been granted to Kutno Foundry
Odlewnia Kutno uzyskała certyfikat ISO 14001:2015 oraz ISO 9001:2015 potwierdzający stosowanie światowych standardów SYSTEMU ZARZĄDZANIA ŚRODOWISKOWEGO oraz SYSTEMU ZARZĄDZANIA JAKOŚCIĄ
One of the next stages of the planned technical and technological development of the Kutno Foundry for 2019 was to launch a horizontal
In Kutno Foundry, R&D works are being conducted within the project co-financed with the European Funds from Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. The
With the 4:3 victory over FC Kellogg’s Kutno Foundry secured a second place in the standings and the city could start celebrating promotion
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