CNC NDT project

EU projects

Project No. POIR.01.01.01-00-1249/19 implemented under the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020, Priority Axis. Support for R&D activities by enterprises, Measure: R&D projects by enterprises, Sub-measure: Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises.

Development and implementation of an integrated technology for the mechanical processing of thin-walled cast iron castings with complex shapes and extensive surfaces, supported by advanced quality control techniques.

Project duration

from 01/06/2020
until  31/10/2023


PLN 6,096,009.76

Project value

PLN 13,262,386.88

Objective of the project

The project objective is to develop an integrated technology for the mechanical processing of thin-walled cast iron castings with complex shapes and extensive surfaces, supported by advanced quality control techniques.

Planned deliverables

The implementation of process innovation into Odlewnia Kutno’s operations will yield the following results, positively impacting the production process for grey and ductile iron components through casting and mechanical machining:

As part of the project, a unique pilot line has been developed, which includes:

Mechanical processing of castings

w ramach którego detale zgodne są przekierowane do operacji w gnieździe obróbczym CNC, a następnie obrabiane przez zastosowanie:

Waste material recovery process

in a form of chips generated as a by-product of mechanical machining are cleaned, pressed, and re-melted.

Qualification of raw castings for machining

that provides a developed device that enable automatic identification of internal defects such as cracks, voids, sand inclusions, porosity, and discontinuities. These defects, which were previously detected only during mechanical machining performed at the client’s site, can now be identified earlier in the production process.

Final quality control of raw castings

conducted using the NDT-RAM (“Non-Destructive Tests – Resonant Acoustic Method”) to automatically detect internal and surface defects and assess the quality of the spheroidising process.

Final quality inspection

involving identifying the shape and dimensions of machined parts using 3D scanning technology.